Experiential Theater Club

Nicu ConstantinTheatrical games and the interpretation of a role, be it in a classical play or in improvisational theatre, are important in our education because they teach us how to find solutions to problems, help us integrate more easily into a collective, develop critical thinking, to become more empathetic, to overcome the fear of public speaking, in a word: to enjoy life more.
At the theater club we will taste a little bit of everything. Breathing and diction exercises will help us be more confident in our public speaking. Those of improvisational theater will teach us that each of us can be spontaneous and creative and thus we will also handle real life situations with much more courage.
Pantomime will bring us into harmony with our body. Theatrical games will bring a smile to our faces, they will teach us tolerance to frustration, fairness, cooperation with the one next to us.
Thus, at the end of the courses, we hope to find ourselves more attentive than we started, with a zest for life and eager to learn as much as possible about ourselves and from now on.
The experiential theater club has a strong impact in strengthening the Roma cultural identity, contributing to increasing the ethnic self-esteem of the Roma participants and eliminating the complexes generated by discrimination. During ten months, an experiential theater club lasting 2 hours will be organized bimonthly, in which 20 young people/students of Roma ethnicity, girls and boys, will participate, offering them non-formal learning opportunities that do not they have access to the communities they come from. The experiential theater club will watch:
• creating a safe space, where participants can share their personal experiences related to the lifestyle specific to the Roma ethnicity
• the development of dramatic scenarios through emotional and artistic learning methods on themes that capitalize on elements of the Roma lifestyle, which include but are not limited to social practices, rituals and festive events, children’s games and traditional sports games, knowledge and practices regarding to nature, techniques related to traditional crafts, etc., theater and performing arts in general, having musical sound and body movement as means of expression, contributing positively to the development of the skills of young people/students, influencing and supporting cultural and intellectual development
• the organization and presentation at the end of the implementation period of the subactivity of a mini theater skit that will stage elements of the traditional Roma lifestyle, which will aim at the personal and professional development of the Roma youth/students involved (helping them to – overcome their shyness and develop their skills to adapt more easily to social life and succeed in the labor market later in life), developing aesthetic awareness and artistic sensibility by accepting diversity;
• the development and promotion of the elements of Roma intangible heritage recognized as such in the normative acts in the field and the support of traditional and modern Roma artistic expression.
• additionally, 10 conferences on experiential theater will be presented, appropriate to the age and level of reception of the participants.
At the end of the activity, the students enrolled in the target group performed a small artistic moment, a mini-drama skit that we invite you to view below:
Photos taken during the activity: